A “landscape approach” is a term used to describe collaborative initiatives in specific places that span multiple sectors and go beyond the scale of individual farms, forest management units and protected areas. Essentially, it means coherent intervention at a landscape scale to secure food, fibre and energy production, improvements in social welfare, water security and ecosystem conservation.
Applying a landscape approach to prevent large-scale deforestation is ultimately about encouraging land-use choices that retain forests for multiple purposes and optimize the productive capacity of the surrounding landscape. This can combine protection of critical sites, locally controlled economic activities tailored to meet community aspirations, voluntary efforts to supply deforestation-free commodities, responsible forest management within production forests, REDD+ and other measures to secure payments for environmental services.
Build partnerships for sustained efforts in enhancing capacities of stakeholders in forest management through effective policies and participatory processes including gender integration and management planning.
I do community gardens using tunnel farming innovation. In doing so we utilize 90% less water therefore limiting travel through neighboring forests. This helps in reducing the amount of water taken directly from the forests.
MICAIA recognizes the importance of competing land uses and therefore the pressure people place on landscapes. We work with individuals, families, and the public sector as well as civil society to accommodate development and conservation objectives
Validate a climate smart terretorial approach integrating different land uses to achieve sustainable development adapted to climate change.
It is very important to maintain constant dialogue between stakeholders involved in the exploitation of natural resources.