WWF and partners are on the forefront of implementing and delivering forest landscape restoration (FLR) at the scale that is needed to deliver global commitments.


FLR is a planned process that aims to regain ecological functionality and enhance human wellbeing in deforested or degraded forest landscapes. Research shows that more than two billion hectares worldwide offer opportunities for restoration.

FLR is an important part of WWF’s vision to contribute to a world enriched by extensive, resilient forest landscapes benefiting biodiversity, people and climate. WWF has been working for a number of years with partners around the world to help create and accelerate FLR initiatives. WWF supports country pledges to bring 150 million hectares of the world's deforested and degraded land into restoration by 2020, and 350 million hectares by 2030.

Our work

  • Catalysing implementation of Bonn Challenge commitments on the ground and delivering best FLR at scale: Expanding opportunities for implementation of large scale FLR initiatives and sharing best practices in countries where WWF has on-the-ground capacity
  • Financing and investment for FLR: Influencing and mobilising large-scale financing for FLR at scale, including via the Trillion Trees partnership and The International Climate Initiative (IKI), as well as multilateral and bilateral funding mechanisms such as LDNF, GEF, GCF etc. and REDD+
  • Engaging the forest sector, including leading forestry companies, through platforms such as Forests Forward and South American Forest and Restoration Alliance (SAFRA), to develop innovative solutions and approaches that expand private sector’s role in FLR 
  • Policy and advocacy: As a technical partner in the African Forest Landscape Restoration Initiative (AFR100), the Initiative 20X20, and the Global Partnership on Forest and Landscape Restoration (GPFLR), WWF supports governments and other stakeholders to expand enabling conditions and ensure development of adequate social and biodiversity safeguards to catalyse implementation of large-scale FLR initiatives. WWF is also a global partner in the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration, a rallying call for the protection and revival of ecosystems all around the world
  • Monitoring: WWF has partnered with Restor, an innovative science-based open data platform to connect the global restoration movement. As part of this collaboration, WWF aims to improve data availability and transparency for FLR projects and contribute research and knowledge on restoration efforts in the field
  • Capacity building: WWF, through the Russell E. Train Education for Nature Program (EFN), seeks to support local communities and organizations to restore native forest ecosystems and reverse degradation, whilst strengthening local capacity for enhancing management practices, and promoting alternative livelihoods with gender equity, in ways that attend to the local needs and aspirations


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