
Responsible Forest Management

Responsible forest management, motivated by a commercial interest in maintaining wood supply, can help protect vulnerable forests from illegal logging, encroachment or conversion to farmland. Forest management that is environmentally sound, socially just and economically viable, can help meet society’s needs without depleting natural capital.

The WWF Living Forests Model suggests that the amount of wood we take from forests and plantations each year may need to triple between 2010 and 2050 to meet growing demand, and up to 25%more natural forest would need to be managed for commercial harvesting by 2050.

Growing demand can destroy the very places where wood grows, but it can also motivate forest stewardship. Wood can be produced without destroying or degrading forests. This can generate income to enable standing forests to compete better with proposals to clear them to make way for other land uses.

The good news is that the area of forests certified by Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) has increased over time. Still, there is room for growth in FSC-certified areas. In addition to better forest management, improved governance and law enforcement is needed, with stricter trade regulations and accurate tracing of wood along supply chains. Better technology, for example more efficient and modern mills, would also help reduce the volumes that need to be harvested from forests.

Share your ideas on WHY responsible forest management matters and HOW responsible practices can be promoted and expanded.

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Philip Tapsall
21-Mar-2016 11:25 GMT

Through supply chain management, Indian businesses can play a big role in responsible forest management. Read to know more - http://www.thehindubusinessline.com/opinion/how-india-inc-can-help-save-our-forests/article8377761.ece …

Jonathan Balley
18-Mar-2016 15:05 GMT

Being sure to integrate women and children into forest protection: this will lead to concrete engagement.

Fred Kruger
15-Mar-2016 12:39 GMT

Sustainable Forest Management should compliment and strengthen community-based natural resource management.

Kim Carstensen
15-Mar-2016 12:39 GMT

FSC certification is one tool to engage social, environmental and economic stakeholders to come together for sustainable decisions.

Makenosi Maloo
15-Mar-2016 12:38 GMT

Raise awareness about the importance and value of forestry; highlight how forestry can mitigate climate change; discourage irresponsible management of resources.

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